Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are you....a baby elephant?

I was just reading the newspaper and everywhere i looked, i saw politics, politics and politics.
Recently, there're another 2 cases where pigs' heads are thrown into the mosque after the church arsons. My first thought  was "What is this la...sick!". And i believe others too have all sorts of comments in their shiny brains.

I'm sort of relieved and proud to know that most Malaysians (those who are not involved in this shameful act or have this kind of thought) are mature enough to know that this are not done by civilans because we are civilized, but politicians + their konco-konco. It's always the politicians. Full stop. Trying to gain face and be the hero in front but zero behind....or negative for most cases. In case you don't know, this is spelled as sick. Malaysians are not fools anymore. I don't believe this is done by anyone else other than politicians once i heard of it. Neither do my friends. And i'm also glad, glad that some of the good politicians pointed that out.

Guess what, we can see and observe because as simple as this....we have eyes. We can listen to the meaning behind any sugar-coated words. Well, even the blinds, the deafs and the lames are able to "see" through the motives behind this too. We are not as doggy as you think, agreeing to whatever thats happening and launch into a war between races. Even dogs know the feelings of other people.......and sometimes are too peace-loving to move much in a war. We are no kiddy. Yes, grasped that? A 5-year old ain't kiddy too. He loves his Muslim friends! Last but not least, we are no more fools...and don't play your tools on Malaysians. That's er...pretty case you don't know.

We appreciate our peace in the country. We love Malays, Chinese, Indians and our other ethnic groups here. I love my different skin colours friends too in my current school, my ex-college, my ex-sec school, my ex-primary school, my ex-ex kindie, my ex tuition centres........and also that Indian guard beside my house! We love them because they are people too. So are we. All of us came out from our mother's womb. So, no one is more superior than the others. No one came out from the elephants' womb.....right?....right?

So please, don't try to induce in fear and division among us. We are tired. We are tired of all of the sweet talks..... the spade behind the mouth, the fiery eyes behind that concealed black innocent-but-not-really pupils, that.....bloody pig heads behind the spine bones...and that socks which are concealed in your sleeky shoes which say "Im sorry but im not".

We are tired of all of those shameful acts. As i am writing this, my heart is burning with righteous anger. I don't know whether the May 13 was a real or a fake, but what i know is that we will not fall into the same trap again, being controlled by the politicians. We treasure our peace, please. We treasure what our previous warriours had done to bring unity and maintained it in this country. Please, please stop tearing down Malaysia. It was once a beautiful country, and is still to most of us and will be if only such shameful-to-the-very-ugly acts of disunity and display of oppressing power are stopped.

As you can already say, 1 Malaysia. Satu. Yi. Ona. One. Yes, you said it.

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