Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Double siblings

Being the second child and also the same time last child is the hardest i think. Added "bonus" is, if you are a girl and your "higher" sibling is a boy. If you have another "smaller" sibling, at least he or she can support you up, or you can release all your authority on that sibling, and can tell him or her the wrongs and corrects because you have the authority to. Plus if you fight with your higher siblings, you can turn to your younger ones and pour to them. But if you are the second, and the last, no no..there's no one else to turn to. You can't even tell the higher sibling they are doing something wrong because their pride will be hurt. You can't even advise because you are younger and if you do, you're counted as rude. Worse still if your higher sibling...your only higher sibling is a boy. You can't really tell stuffs to that boy because its just weird...and from different world. These are just some general statement and of course, there are a lot more to it.
Huhu..just some thoughts there. =) Might not be applied to all double siblings esp boy and girl out there tho. huhu..ciaoz

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