Thursday, March 25, 2010

Juicy week~

I remembered there was once i got quite upset when i saw my friend's name was spelled wrongly in her name tag during a conference in church. Well, at least i thought it was spelt wrongly.
When i saw her "wrongly-spelled" name, i remembered, i instantly kinda raised my voice a bit higher towards the person who was one of the committee asking "They spelled her name wrongly laaa. How can like this one..*grumble grumble*. In my heart, i was actually irritated that the lady did not know my friend's name!
It was a lady who was just standing beside of my friend that time with a name tag "Committee".
The lady was bewildered at my sudden voice of wanting justice.
And as i was wrinkling my eyebrows, i was surprised to see my friend was half laughing and half giving me the pitying look.
Then she told me that actually her original name was the one on her name tag.
And THAT lady, the lady i complained to.... was her mum. =.=

Haha..just something that popped into my mind. Funny and embarassing event. XD

This week is a nice week. Though i got stomachache yesterday. A bad one. Still, i even had someone to teman me in being in pain at the same time of the same cause. LOL!

I truly love the flexibility of the timetable especially today where teachers didn't really teach. Booyah! =P
Totally free from being so rigid following all those set times.
I don't really like the continuous arrangement of subjects after subjects. It makes me wanna choke. Figuratively. xD.
Tomorrow is Raptai Sukan, and i'm not involved in any sports events mainly because the secretary mistaken my name as a boy's. SO haha! *and that's very NOT a sad case =P*  

Recently was thinking of how much God has blessed me with. =) Last two weeks, i was feeling so lonely, when i felt there's no one to help at all, when i was low..due to certain things. But looking back now i realised, He was there, and even providing me for the situations i was in after that. Providing me comfort, faith, that i'm able to trust in Him. Providing me discipline! weee =D

This week, i got my exam results and most of them are not good results. That indeed had shaken me quite a lot and i feared for my studies, and certain things which im upholding to. Paralysed in fear to be exact~ Was just not doing much Bible reading and praying. =S
But in the end of the day, i gathered myself back up again. To refocus on my priorities! And that was also by God's help! I'm glad He pulled me back to my senses again.

Again, i remembered that God does not define my success by how high my exam results are, or whether i'll achieve great in my studies, my STPM or on how effective my ministries are. But my success will be based on my relationship with God. That relationship. =)))
So i'll just try my best in my studies, but no matter what it'll turn out to be, i don't want to lose sight of God, my everything!
I don't want to keep pursuing my studies until i forget about God.
That'll be time when i would feel i'm being dragged by a chain at my neck each day with my head bouncing here and there on the floor. * just, i'm serious* ;)

Haha so yearh!! Gonna be BAPTISED this Sunday!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Awaited moment. *eyes twinkling, sparkling* 
Many thought i've already been water-baptised though. Haha. I know i know...=P
Kinda feeling nervous about it..or more to nervous excitement like how a bride is nervous before her wedding. =PP

Well, wish me all the best then. That i will not have a nervous breakdown when im about to go in the pooool. Nah i'm just joking..i wont. =P

Till then!

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